Sunday, July 6, 2014

Our Vacation: His Reunion

Wow! Where do I begin? This weekend has been incredible. This weekend has been more than words can describe. It's been exactly what Justin needed; exactly what I needed; exactly what we needed. I have been so blessed with the love of my best friend, but even more than that my hero. Justin has been a hero of mine since the day I discovered he was a former Marine. I respect anyone in the armed forced. God bless this great nation, and God bless those who have risked and do risk their lives so we can live our comfortable, little, spoiled lives as free Americans.
This weekend we came to Austin for the First Battalion Battle of Fallujah Reunion. And might I say, I am so damn thankful to have met these wonderful, crazy ass, brave men. I truly am thankful to be in their presence this weekend. The second we arrived in Austin, Justin became a man I have never seen. A happier, crazier, more loving man. I think a lot of that was he was recentered. He hasn't seen these men in 6-8 years. These are men who fought by his side, protected him, were protected by him, cried with him, loved him, and shaped him in to the man I know and love today. I am eternally grateful for this group of strange men for that. 
There are a lot of things from both of our past that Justin and I don't discuss because honestly we both have pasts before one another and that's that. They can't be undone and I don't think either of us would want them to be because we wouldn't be the people we are today. I don't know what Justin went through in the Marines; I can only imagine from the little that I do know, it would be enough to drive me insane. But he's sane and completely functioning no matter the circumstances. I can say, this weekend has made me fall more in love with this man then I ever thought possible. I have a new respect for him and his fellow Marines after this weekend. What men! What strong, brave, loving, arms-open-wide men! THANK Y'ALL! Truly from the bottom of my heart, thank y'all! 
Mine and Justin's relationship has not come without it's struggles, but this weekend has not only recentered him but also put shit into perspective for me, and brought the two of us even closer. I love this man with everything I am, and I understand now why Justin is the way he is. I have a whole new appreciation for him. He will never know any of this because I'm sure as hell not going to be a sissy, vulnerable girl in real life. Duh that's why I have this blog. But I am okay with him thinking that I still think he's a weird ass Marine. That weird ass Marine is who I fell madly in love with last year, and I promise you I'll never love another from this day forward. 

Fourth of July in Austin, Texas on 6th Street with my marine love.
Justin & I on 4th of July on 6th Street in Austin, Texas.
Battle of Fallujah Marine Brother reuniting 10 years after the battle in Austin, Texas.

Battle of Fallujah Marine Brother reuniting 10 years after the battle in Austin, Texas.

Battle of Fallujah Marine Brother reuniting 10 years after the battle in Austin, Texas.
Justin and his brothers gathered in a photo booth
Battle of Fallujah Marine Brother reuniting 10 years after the battle in Austin, Texas.
Mendez, Anderson, & DeLeon


1 comment:

  1. It's nuts how that reunion can change everything...and how you see them. I went through this same realization last year. Glad you made it this year!
