Sunday, September 7, 2014

It's Official...We Took the Next Step

I'm laying in bed right now with a terrible migraine, wide awake on my day off when I should be sleeping in, and starving. But I can't convince myself to get out of bed for any reason because Justin is cuddling with me and these are the moments I don't want to lose. 
This week we took some major steps not only as adults, but as a couple. We did some things that a lot of married couples haven't even done and I think that speaks volumes for where our relationship is headed. 
We got an apartment in Houston and our move-in date is the 16th. We created a joint checking account! (gasp!) We also got our own phone plan. Poor Justin had to change his number. I felt terrible. But he's okay with it. He is so mild mannered. All of the above are huge steps for any couple, but for an unmarried couple it's massive. For us, however, it was just the next step in solidifying not only to each other but to everyone that this is it. We are 100% committed to one another, and we are going to see it out to the end of time.
I think the biggest thing in all of these big, momentous steps has been the fact that Justin is the one who has started the conversation for all of them. That makes my hearts happy because I know that I am not pushing for something that he doesn't want. So the big unanswered question you are all on the end of your chairs for...WHEN IS THE WEDDING? Hahahaha well that, that I don't have an answer for. I can tell you...I'm not pushing for a ring, wedding, marriage, or babies in this relationship. Which if any of you saw me in my last relationship, you might be a little star struck by that. But a lot has changed. 
I no longer think a wedding is a fix-all for a relationship run into the ground by two young people who have made terrible decisions. Or that marriage in your early twenties is a brilliant idea. Or that a wedding will make this maddening depression go away and I'll be happy. Or that a baby is the next step in any relationship. Because all of that is a shallow answer of most girls in their twenties in our culture. It's probably one of the reasons why the divorce rate is so high. 
There are many people casting their judgments or bring critical of the steps Justin and I are taking or have already taken in such a short amount of time, but to them I say bring on the hate because it's just encouraging us to keep living life the way we are. I've never had total faith or accountability in a single person in my 23 years. But in the last nearly 4 years, this man has come through for me time and time again. And a lot has changed for both of us since then. We've both said goodbye to relationships, Justin said goodbye to a pretty precarious lifestyle, neither of us drink the way we used to, or find the need to be at a bar every single night. We are content with a life of work and school, sitting at home every night watching Netflix, and an occasional date night. We both understand that marriage isn't an option until we have diplomas. I have had to give up my hopes of waiting until my thirties to have kids though since Justin is 6 years older than myself. But surprisingly, I really don't care. 
I know our life together right now holds more value and substance than I ever thought was possible between two people. I'm so excited for our future together, but I'm also lathering in the joy that every current moment brings me with this man. 4 years ago, I would have that you were absolutely insane if you told me I'd be moving to Houston with Justin and leaving everyone I know and love behind. Today, I'm so delighted that I have found a man who is willing to make anything possible for me to fulfill my dreams. With tears in my eyes, I'm valuing this cuddle time with him a little more than usual since we are about to be 3 hours from one another until November starting this afternoon. Since we have been seeing each other we haven't gone more than 5 or 6 days without seeing one another and that was when he went to Vegas so the next couple of months are going to be difficult with scheduling and distance, but I know come November 2nd when I make my way to Houston this will all be worth it. 


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