Friday, September 26, 2014

Let's Runaway

So for, I don't know how long, I've been asking Justin to runaway with me. Leave everything behind and just go. Go where no one knows us, where our troubles don't follow, where we can start over brand new. I've also asked if we could live in a tree fort and live on the land...he thankfully did not go for that one, I would not survive. But I was sitting here thinking just now, how for the most part, Justin made this running away thing I've been pleading for happen. 

I have had this idea in my head that if I could just go somewhere no one knows me, or who I was, or who my family is, or where I am from, that I could reinvent myself and be who I really want to be. Over the course of the last year or so, I've slowly become more comfortable in my own skin. Mostly because with my depression running so rampent, I haven't had a choice but to be me. But this is my chance to not take anyone's shit anymore, tell it how it is, be loud, be cynical, by bubbly, and be ME! Not who my mom wants me to be, not who my friends want me to be, not who my ex wanted me be, but who I, Niki Johnston, want to be!! 

Justin thinks I am absolutely insane. And I am! But he is the one person on this planet I have ever been 100% real with. I tell him when I think I'm fat, I tell him when I decide it's time for me to start starving myself, I tell him when I hate myself. I have never, ever done that with anyone in my life. I've never trusted anyone that much. Justin will make me eat when it's time to eat, agree with me that I've gained weight, and love me more than anyone should ever love me. Running away with this man, may be what the doctor ordered! 


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