Friday, March 21, 2014


Welcome to my crazy life! Enjoy a laugh or two at my expense. I don't mind.

I officially moved in with Justin the week of my birthday. So for the last 2 months we've been doing this whole cohabiting thing and let me tell you it's been less than the blissful image I had previously in my head. 
First off, I am commuting at least 5 days a week from Temple to Waco for work. 35 minutes one way...with no traffic. And then there is the roommate situation...bless Justin's kind heart. I've come to learn I'm just an anti-social bitch, and well honestly I like it that way. But any who, Justin has this roommate that doesn't have a car, works as a server, and just has no life goals. This kid constantly has people at our house. It's finally gotten to the point that even Justin is fed up with it. We are trying to grow our relationship and it's next to impossible with people always at our house and with Justin thinking he needs to be the world's best host even though they are rarely ever his guests. Justin and I couldn't even enjoy our "anniversary" together because one of the guys were at our house before he could even get home. So thankfully in 2 glorious weeks, we will be roommate free and living in our own home with each other and no one else. HALLELUJAH!
I am overjoyed to start this exciting and crazy adventure with this man. This year together has been mind-blowing and an absolute blessing for the both of us. We have taken more trips and vacations in the last year then I had in the last 10 years. And it is truly something when you find that one person who's company you unconditionally enjoy. We have something that neither of us have ever found before, and I delight in that. Time will only tell what our future holds though.


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