Saturday, October 25, 2014

The Broken Home Kids

The day Gilmore Girls got put on Netflix, the world as we knew ended. I have been binging on the show every spare moment I can. Re-watching all of my favorite episodes, one caught my attention. Rory finds an old photo booth picture of her parents when they were younger. Later in the show she is looking at the picture again after she busts her mom having a date. 

Okay, so why is this so striking to me? Because anyone who has divorced parents has had that desire, however small or large it might be, for their parents to get back together. I mean even as a kid, I myself desired that a time or two. And then I would remember what my sister and brother didn't remember...the fighting, the shouting, the constant anger, the lack of affection between my parents. 

I was, still am, very fortunate to have a stepdad who made my family feel like a family. Dysfunctional as we might be, we were as whole as I ever needed us. My parents are amibicable, some might even call them friends. At 23 years old, that is all I can ask for. 

For the last year, I have walked around with a picture of my parents dated some time after my birth, but what I can only assume was before all the grief and anger begun because of the looks on their faces. I'm not holding on to it with some sick hope that they might one day still get back together, but instead to cherish the two people who gave me life. 
The 90s was full of terrible fashion choices, goodness gracious. 

So for all the broken home kids, I get it! We all do! You aren't alone. But just remember things aren't always what you remember. My sister and brother were so young they really don't remember our parents being together, and they definitely don't remember all the bad things. Cherish those sweet memories, and if the bad memories eat you alive at night...learn from those mistakes and remember that those are the reasons why they did this for YOU! Plus, broken home kids always get twice as many presents, so enjoy it! 


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