Saturday, September 20, 2014

I'd Follow You Anywhere

Right now, I'm sitting on my bed (at my mom's house), drinking a Dr. Pepper with my phone in one hand, a pen in another, the iPad sitting in front of me, my notebook scribbled full of notes, and my planner open ready to be filled. Yes, I just got off from my full time job and now I am home relaxing...aka working my business. So I'm taking a break from all the chaos to do a little blogging because who enjoys monotony? Not I!

If I was at home home right now, I would have all of the above on the coffee table, plus the lap top open ready to work, and I'd be using the Xbox to watch YouTube videos. I'm a workaholic...I know! Anyways, so right now, I missing my best friend. I called him right after I clocked out and talked to him on the way home...I love knowing he probably misses me more than I miss him. That's an overwhelmingly amazing feeling. I told him last night, "I'll follow you anywhere, just never leave me behind again." His response was that he was more than ready for me to join him. My heart is so full.

I would legitamently follow that man anywhere. He could say, "Let's move to Antartica!" And I would respond by saying, "I'll start packing!" Most people think I put too much faith in a man I've dated for such a short time or whom I have no real commitment those people I say, shhh let me talk...

I've said this over and over again since we decided to make this move happen in July...I've never been more confident in anything in my entire life. Not in a man. Not in a career path. Not in a move. In nothing. But in this...I have not a doubt in my mind, that this is where I am supposed to be going with whom I am supposed to be going with. Also, I am only 23...ain't nobody got time for a marriage at my age...BYE FELICIA! No but seriously...who am I?

Let me answer that question for you. I am a 23 year old woman in love with my best friend who has dreams of becoming an architect. My degree is my first priority. Once I have that, I can then begin to focus on starting a family. I don't need a ring, piece of paper, or baby to validate the legitimacy of my relationship. Justin isn't going anywhere and neither am I. We've already made a commitment to one another that is larger than life. And that's all I need for now. So yes I will follow a man to the moon and back again with out any of that simply because he makes my dreams come true. He makes life adventurous, fun, and worth living. He challenges me daily to love myself more and more with each passing day. And he is the best coach, cheerleader, and mentor I could ever ask for. What more reason do I need than that? That's right, the answer is none. I can't wait to be back in the arms of my favorite person!


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