Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Social Media Strikes Again

This post is going to come as a surprise to many, and others...well you're just going to get it. One of my goals this year is to blog more, Facebook less. Wait, what? Don't I run my business mostly on Facebook? Yes, I do. And honestly if it wasn't for Younique, I would not have a Facebook right now.

I recognize it is 2015 and we are generation that literally lives our day to day lives through social media however when the majority of the population begins taking social media too far that is when I no longer have interest in it. Take for instance my previous post "I Will Always Judge Your Rock," was a rebuttal based a large group of ladies on my Facebook thread getting upset about an article that was meant more to be humerus and comical than to be pathetic or cruel. Now one could argue my rebuttal was me taking those ladies's rants too seriously, but I was taking those rants just as they were...RANTS...and providing some support to the writer of the cleaver article and the people who thought it was hilarious enough to repost. I mean I had 3 guys "like" that article on my page, it was obviously entertaining to them. The comments I got back on my blog weren't my favorites, and the old Niki would have taken to arguing with these girls in order to stand up for herself, deleted the blog post, or even apologized. Social media has forced us to be overly apologetic. And when I started this blog my main goal was to be ME, completely 100% me, no apologies, no lies, and a place for me to speak my mind...don't like it? Keep moving!

 The moment I realized I hated Facebook is the moment I had to delete every single family member from my page because a handful of them ruined it for everyone else. Half of my family is blocked, and the other half just thinks my page no longer exists. It's sad that it had to come to that, but when I started getting text messages about things I was posting or negative comments on a relatively positive post, I knew it was over. So I deleted my Facebook. It was gone for almost 6 magical months. Then I discovered Younique. But I knew I couldn't allow those people on my page in this new stage of my life. I also knew I could not pick and choose. It was all or no one...so no one it was. All because a handful of people couldn't handle understanding social media is meant as a platform for feelings, beliefs, life events, so on. Negativity had to ambush me and my posts almost daily.

Justin and I are friends of a couple that just got engaged. He hasn't been on Facebook for several months (a round of applause!) and she is a social media guru much like myself. He started his Facebook back up just after their engagement, but posted about how it was temporary and that after the Marine Corp Reunion in July, he would be deleting again, but they could add this joint account to keep up with him. She had already started a joint account for them and had been warning everyone she would be deleting her personal account soon and if anyone wanted to keep up with the two of them, they would need to add this new account. Well after seeing his post and reading some of the comments, I was intrigued. I opened his post more to read all of the comments and the negativity that showered this poor guy/couple was unreal. People assuming that these two don't think they can be individuals any longer now that they are engaged, trust issues, you name it...it was there. But what it really comes down to is she is on social media all the time, she is always connected much like my self, and he is like Justin and literally couldn't give two shits about social media, especially Facebook, but he uses it to keep in contact with the guys from the corp mostly. However the way we have begun to view social media is just like those people commented...a joint account signifies to most people distrust or disloyalty or a couple's inability to continue seeing themselves as individuals once them commit their lives to one another.

I love social media. I enjoy being connected and to freely voice myself, to network with total strangers, and view the world differently, but it is a struggle for me to desire staying connected when people are total Debbie Downers about everything they see on Facebook or on social media in general. The moment we begin to be constantly angered, upset, or start arguments on these different platforms is the moment it no longer is a fun way to sound off or keep up with our buddies. 

I added a few social media "memes" I felt we would all enjoy!


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